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Search Results for "Can I pray fard prayer behind someone praying voluntary prayer or vice versa"
Can I pray fard prayer behind someone praying voluntary prayer or vice versa? - Assim al hakeem
I pray all my prayers loudly so I can focus, is this permissible? Are prayers valid? assim al hakeem
voluntary prayers silent or out loud #DrMuhammadSalah #fatwa #islamqa #HUDATV
Is it better to pray alone but on time or to pray a bit late but in congregation? - Assim al Hakeem
Q: Can We Pray Aloud Alone for Voluntary Prayers?
Can I pray loud prayers silently if someone is in the room, is it hypocrisy? - Assim al hakeem
reciting out loud or silently while praying Sunnah prayer #fatwa #islamqa #Dr Muhammad Salah #HUDATV
When praying alone, do I recite loudly like an imam (Takbeers, salam etc)? - Assim al hakeem
Can we pray the voluntary prayers aloud? - Assim al hakeem
Who should lead the prayer? - Assim al hakeem
How should I recite in silent rakahs? Only move tongue & lips or recite in low voice Assim al hakeem
Praying in half sleeves shirts or T shirts, Praying with uncovered shoulders for men Assim al hakeem